学术预告(报告人Jinchang Ren )

报告题目:Semantic content analysis for advanced video processing and understanding

报告人:Jinchang Ren --- University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

日 期:2012.10.29 (周一上午) 10:30
地 点:四楼报告厅
In the last two decades, the rapid developments in Internet and multimedia techniques have led to the explosive growth of digital image/video applications. For extracting useful information from massive video data sources, content-based analysis and retrieval has been proposed to supplement conventional text-based systems. Consequently, automatic semantic content analysis is highly desirable for effective data processing, management, retrieval and understanding. In this talk, extraction of a wide range of objects and events for semantic video analysis and understanding is discussed. These include video segmentation, camera motion estimation, video object extraction, content-adaptive video summarisation and semantic video retrieval. All the extracted information can be combined for video content understanding in various applications.
Jinchang Ren is a (senior) Lecturer in the Centre for excellence of Signal and Image Processing (CeSIP), Dept. of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde since Dec. 2010.
He received the PhD degree in Electronic Imaging and Media Communication from the University of Bradford, United Kingdom in 2009. Before that, he obtained M.Eng. in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition and B. Eng. in Computer Software from Northwestern Polytechnical University, China, in 1997 and 1992, respectively. Before he joined Strathclyde, he had worked in several universities in UK as a research staff, including University of Bradford, University of Surrey, Kingston University and University of Abertay, Dundee.
Dr. Ren has published over 80 peer-reviewed research papers in prestigious international journals and conferences, including IEEE Trans. Image Processing, IEEE Trans. Circuits & Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, IEEE Trans. System Man and Cybernetics, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, etc. as well as British Machine Vision Conference, Int. Conf. Image Proc., Int. Conf. Multimedia and Expo, Visual Information Engineering and book series of LNCS, etc. His research interests include:
Intelligent multimedia information processing; visual computing; computer vision; content-based image/video management, retrieval & understanding; pattern recognition; human-computer interaction; visual surveillance; archive restoration; motion estimation; hyperspectral imaging.
发布人:       最后修改日期: 2012-10-27 14:16:32.0
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