9月26日上午,Brent E. Little博士应邀在信息学院作了题为“Integrated photonics series: Commercial high-index contrast optical circuits”的学术报告,信息学院院长黄卫平教授主持了报告,学院部分师生聆听了本次报告。
报告中,Brent E. Little博士首先从光波中波导的研究价值以及它的一些特性进行介绍,为了提供更好的系统性能,同时降低每比特的成本。其中最前沿的技术为VLSI-纳入高指标对比材料的光子电路的小型化,再加上传统的大批量制造的CMOS工具集,接着Brent E. Little博士又通过一些例子对上面的内容分别进行介绍,强调了在光学系统中的一个特定的被动高指数的对比平台,Hydex,并给出了使用它的例子。报告最后,Brent E. Little博士又讲解了光掩模布局,并通过一个456Gbit/s的集成接收器介绍了光学在大规模集成电路中的科实现性和应用性。
报告结束后,Brent E. Little博士及黄卫平院长耐心回答了现场师生的提问,整个学术报告现场气氛热烈融洽,Brent E. Little博士的精彩演讲得到了同学们和老师的热烈鼓掌,信息学院黄卫平院长指出本次报告的最大亮点在于Brent E. Little博士的演讲在于真正阐述了光学在大规模集成电路中的可实现性。
Dr. Brent E. Little, Electrical Engineer. Dr. Little received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from The University
of Waterloo, Canada in 1994. Subsequently, Dr. Little spent five years as a Research Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, a Research Faculty member at the University of Maryland College Park and at MIT, and has held research
positions at Nortel Networks and Fujitsu Labs in Japan. In 2000, Dr. Little Founded Little Optics Inc., and served as its
President and Chief Technology Officer. Over a five year period at Little Optics Dr. Little raised $25 million in venture funding.
Little Optics pioneered commercial high-index contrast optical circuits for dense integration of optical components. In 2005
Little Optics was acquired by Infinera Corp. Dr. Little has more than 50 patents, and has authored or coauthored more than
150 publications and conference presentations.