题目: Integrated photonics series: High-Index-Contrast Planar Lightwave Circuits
报告人:Dr. Sai Tak Chu, Department of Physics and Materials Science, CityUniversity of Hong Kong
时间地点:12月5日10:00AM 信息学院北楼 四楼会议室
邀请人:黄卫平教授 院长
Since the Internet became generally available in the early 1990s, the demand for higher network speed and bandwidth has grown exponentially without any sign of slowing. Much of this growth is driven by the popular and bandwidth hungry video applications where the end user nearly always pays a flat fee for the Internet service. The service provider must develop new technologies that deliver improved systems performance while simultaneously reducing the cost per bit. Among the most forward technologies are advanced photonic integration where large numbers of optical components are integrated onto a single chip. Long in the research and development phase, these technologies are now seeing commercial deployment. We highlight the development and commercial deployment of the planar lightwave circuits (PLC) devices along with other potential applications of this technology.
About the Speaker
Dr. Chu has been involved in the research and development of optical waveguide devices for over twenty years and he spent a decade in the US in the commercialization of high-index-contrast planar lightwave circuits. He has over 100 publications and had seminal contributions on both the numerical simulation methods and the realization of optical waveguide devices. Dr. Chu returned to his birthplace in the fall of 2010 and joined the City University of Hong Kong as an Associate Professor.