5 月25 日报告一:
High Power Glass Laser Research progressesin NLHPLP
报告人: 朱健强研究员(中科院上海光机所)
Laser fusion research has been executed onseries of Shenguang (SG) high power laser facilities in National Laboratory onHigh Power Lasers and Physics (NLHPLP) for nearly 50 years in China. Recently,a new high power laser facility with 8 beams laser system and 30kJ/ns/3ωoutputenergy has been performed and operated since 2016. Up to now, a multifunctionexperiment platform including multi-pulse width of ns,ps and fs and activeprobing beam has been developed. It is becoming a very important experimentalplatform for Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) and High Energy Density (HED).
Jianqiang Zhu is asenior professor of Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM),Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He received B.S. degree from HarbinInstitute of Technology in 1988, M.S. degree from Changchun Institute ofOptics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, CAS in 1990 a nd Ph.D. degree from SIOM in1993. He has been working at SIOM since 1993 and served as the director of SIOMfrom 2001 to 2009. He was also appointed as the director of National Laboratoryon High Power Laser and Physics, and serving as the deputy chief engineer ofnational major projects.
Prof. Zhu has been devoted to the long-term study in the fields ofhigh-power laser system. This includes laserdevice design, optical engineering, optical beam propagation and control etc.As a chief scientist, he was responsible for several major projects such asShenguang-II (SG-II) laser facility, SG-II multifunction high-energy laser systems, upgrading SG-II laser device, 3ps petawatt and 30fsmulti-petawatt laser facilities, which has contributed immensely to theestablishment and development of high-power laser system for ICF study inChina. “SG-II multifunction high-energy laser systems” has won the NationalScience and Technology Progress Award in 2013.
报告人: 王晓峰总编辑(中国激光杂志社)
中国激光杂志社荣获“中国出版政府奖”,旗下中文期刊《光学学报》、《中国激光》被EI收录,英文期刊Chinese Optics Letters, Photonics Research, High Power Laser Scienceand Engineering被SCI收录。