International Symposium on Optoelectronic Technology and Application 2014
主办单位:国际光学工程学会(SPIE)、美国光学学会(OSA)、 中国宇航学会
金国藩 院士(清华大学)
庄松林 院士(上海理工大学)
Optical Engineering (SCI)、、红外与激光工程(Ei)、强激光与粒子束(Ei)、中国光学
(投稿网址 http://www.manuscript-cnoenet.com/index_en.htm)
所有通过大会学术委员会专家审查被会议录用的论文,将在会议论文集上发表,论文集由SPIE出版(EI核心收录),会后约半年能够在EI数据库检索到文章。部分优秀论文(约20%)将被推荐到合作期刊正式发表(SCI 或 Ei 收录)。
Conf. 1: Development and Application of High Power Fiber Lasers (高功率光纤激光技术与应用)
主 席:
David J. Richardson(Optoelectronics Research Centre,University of Southampton,UK)
王 璞(北京工业大学)
★ High power fiber lasers and amplifiers
★ Special optical fiber and passive device
★ Ultrafast fiber laser and super-continuum light source
★ Mid-infrared optical fiber laser
★ Coherent and non-coherent combining of fiber laser
★ Applications of high power fiber laser, etc
Conf. 2: Laser Materials and Laser Manufacturing Technology(激光材料与激光制造技术应用)
主 席:
Geert Verhaeghe(Faurecia Autositze GmbH,Germany)
★ Solid state laser technology
★ Laser welding equipment/systems and technology
★ Laser cladding technology
★Laser surface modification applications
★ Laser precision microfabrication technology and applications
★ Laser composite processing technology and applications, etc
Conf. 3: Laser Rapid Prototyping Technique (激光快速成型与快速制造技术)
主 席:
★ 3D printing
★ Additive manufacturing
★ Lasers technology
★ Light sources
★ Novel compositive materials
★ Laser rapid manufacturing
★ Industry applications with LRP techniques, etc
Conf. 4: Advanced Display Technology(先进显示技术及应用)
主 席:
Ting-Chung Poon (Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Virginia Tech,USA)
Byoungho Lee(School of Electrical Engineering,Seoul National University,Korea)
毕 勇(中科院光电研究院)
★ Laser and light sources
★ Optical components
★ Imaging technologies and devices
★ Image quality and human vision
★ Systems and applications, etc
Conf. 5: Laser and Optical Measurement Technology(激光与光电测试技术)
主 席:
Jürgen Czarske(Dresden University of Technology,Germany)
★ Laser interferometry and system
★ Surface measurement
★ Laser large scale distance measuring and lidar technology
★ Laser spatial position
★ Femtosecond laser length measurement
★ Workspace measuring position system (wmps)
★ Laser vision measurement technology and application
★ Precision digital close-range photogrammetry and application
★ Laser microscopy and Imaging
★ Laser and optical flaw detection
★ Laser gyros and accelerators
★ Laser and optical vibration measurement
★ Laser and optical measurement of refractivity and anisotropy
★ In-site measurement of optical element and system
★ OCT technology
★ Laser and optical measurement in Mechanics, etc
Conf. 6: Imaging Spectrometry(光谱成像技术)
主 席:
★ Advancements in Spectrometer Systems
★ Atmospheric and Environmental Spectroscopy
★ Spectral Methodologies and Applications
★ Spectral Data Analysis Techniques
★ Calibration, Characterization and Optimization
★ Optical Design and Engineering of Hyperspectral Sensors, etc
Conf. 7: Optical Remote Sensing Technology and Applications (光学遥感技术及应用)
主 席:
Joseph A. Shaw (Montana State University, USA)
刘 东(中科院安徽光机所)
★ Status and Trend of Optical Remote Sensing Technology
★ Optical Remote Sensing Systems Integration and Application
★ Visible, Infrared and Laser Radar Remote Sensing Technology
★ High-resolution Digital Photography
★ Remote Sensing Data Processing and Application
★ Data Fusion and Data Mining
★ Geographic Monitoring (Agriculture, Forestry, Geology, Mineral, Land, Environment, Water Resources and so on)
★ Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems and Navigation Systems(3S) , etc
Conf. 8: Infrared Technology and Application(红外技术及应用)
主 席:
★ IR detector materials and devices
★ IR cameras and systems
★ Testing and simulation technologies
★ Environment characteristics of target and atmospheric transmission
★ Applications in remote sensing, navigation, communication, environmental protection, public security, medicine and industrial inspection, etc
Conf. 9: Image Processing and Pattern Recogniton (图像处理与模式识别技术及应用)
主 席:
Jose Bioucas-Dias ( Instituto Superior Técnico, Portuguesa)
陈 钱(南京理工大学)
★ Image Acquisition
★ Image Processing and Analysis
★ Automatic Target Recognition and Navigation
★ Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision
★ Parallel Processing of Images and Opimization Techniques
★ Applications, etc
Conf. 10: Telescopes and Large Optics (望远镜与大型光学仪器技术)
主 席:
Dae Wook Kim(College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona,USA)
★ Technologies for large lightweight mirrors
★ New materials and associated technologies
★ Active large aperture telescopes
★ Optical simulation and performance predictions
★ Thermo-optical modeling
★ Novel optical systems design
★ Precision and ultra-precision manufacturing
★ Advances in metrology for large optics, wavefront sensing
★ Actuation technologies for deformed mirrors
★ Gamma and X-Ray
★ VUV and EUV
★ Far and Near Infra Red, sub millimetre
★ Visible
★ Multiple aperture optical systems, etc
Conf. 11: Micro/Nano Optical Technology and Application(微纳光学技术及应用)
主 席:
朱 星(北京大学)
Huikai Xie(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida,USA)
★ Nano-materials and devices
★ Characterization of nano-materials
★ Test of nanoscale devices
★ Micro/nano devices, systems, micro-mechanical technical
★ Micro/nano manufacturing technology
★ Laser applications in nano-manufacturing
★ Nano-metrology and standardization, etc
Conf. 12: Optical Fiber Sensor (光纤传感器技术)
主 席:
王 巍(航天时代电子技术股份有限公司)
★ Physical, Mechanical, and Electromagnetic Sensors
★ Chemical and Environmental Sensors
★ Biological and Medical Sensors
★ Fiber Optic Gyroscopes
★ Fiber Grating Sensors
★ Photonic Crystal Fibers and Sensors
★ Micro- and Nano-structured Fiber Sensors
★ Distributed Sensing
★ Multiplexing and Sensor Networking
★ Smart Structures and Sensors
★ Passive and Active Devices for Photonic Sensing
★ New Fibers and Coating Materials for Sensing
★ Sensor Application, Field Tests and Standardization
★ Slow and Fast Light, and Other Emerging Technologies for Sensing , etc
Conf. 13: Vacuum Manufacturing, Optical Thin Film and Surface Characterization Testing Technology
主 席:
Norbert Kaiser(Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering, Germany)
★ Vacuum obtaining Technology and Equipment
★ Vacuum Coating Technology and Equipment
★ Vacuum Measurement Technology and Equipment
★ Laser Gyro Technology
★ Optical Thin Film Technology
★ Ultra Smooth Processing Technology and Surface Characteristics Testing Technology
★ laser- induced damage Technology, etc
Conf. 14: Nonimaging Optics: Efficient Design for Illumination and Solar Concentration (非成像光学系统:高效照明和太阳能聚光设计)
主 席:
Roland Winston(Schools of Natural Sciences & Engineering, University of California, USA)
罗 毅(清华大学)
★ Thermodynamic Basis of Nonimaging Optics
★ Nonimaging Optics for Concentrator Photovoltaics
★ Gradient-Index Optics
★ Novel Applications and Fundamental Limits
★ Nonimaging Optimization Procedures
★ Daylighting
★ Illumination Optics, etc
李 瑾, lijin@cnoenet.com 刘 艳, liuyan@cnoenet.com
邓 伟, conf@cnoenet.com 吴 迪, wudi@cnoenet.com
电 话:022-58168510,022-58168516,022-58168520
投稿咨询:常磊, changlei@cnoenet.com
电 话:022-58168515